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Posets-Maladeta Natural Park 

Guided hiking in the shadow of the biggest mountains in all the Pyrenees!


From Mid-May to end of September



3 - moderate

(see levels)



Accompanied by a local mountain guide


Day hikes sleeping in a hotel each night


5 Days/4 Nights

Can be longer or shorter



Join us on this carefully curated itinerary to explore Spain’s Posets-Maladeta Natural Park, home to over 200 summits exceeding 3,000 meters. This is where you'll find the biggest mountains in the entire Pyrenees, including the 2 highest of all - Aneto and Posets.  High summits, glaciers, magnificent waterfalls, canyons, and fertile lands of forests and meadows, offer a fantastic contrast of colors and landscapes – nature at its finest and a superb environment for any outdoor lover.  


​Located in Huesca province, in the autonomous region of Aragón, this one of the true crown jewels of the Pyrenees.​ You’ll sleep in the ancient town of Benasque, capital of the still-remote Benas valley, allowing you to closely experience traditional culture and get a sense for the area’s fascinating history. The many valleys of the Posets-Maladeta Natural Park offer more choices for outdoor activities of differing levels of difficulty and views, than any other single base anywhere in the Pyrenees. 


As always on our trips, you'll have great food, excellent wine and comfortable accommodations,  in combination with superb hikes in some of the most spectacular terrain in Europe!


This sample itinerary has been designed to showcase just some of the main highlights of the Posets Maladeta Naturall Park. It can be booked just as described above, but it’s also 100% customizable and can be used as the foundation around which we can build a personalized trip just for you Make it shorter or longer. Add rest days or mix hiking days with other adventure or cultural interest activities. We operate in a variety of areas on both the Spanish and French sides of the Pyrenees as well as northern Spain in general, so we can easily craft a completely personalized trip, combining differing activities and experiences in various locations. We want to create a memorable travel experience just for you! No itinerary is too complicated for us to arrange…any number of days, at any time of year, for any size group. Pick this or another of our suggested itineraries and we'll customize it to meet your party’s criteria...or…let’s work together with you to craft a personalized, tailor-made itinerary to suit your interests, level of physical challenge or technical difficulty, and other criteria. Just send us an email or send in our contact form describing your idea in as much detail as possible and we’ll get back to you…and together we’ll start making your dream become reality!

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